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Case Studies in Using VR - 5

Bryne Stothard

You Sharecare/Nanome:

One of the largest successes of the VR program thus far has been in integrating VR hardware and software within the sciences. Both Sharecare and Nanome have clearly defined uses within the Natural Sciences, there are also several other VR Apps (Hololab VR, Titans of Space) that given time would be integrated as successfully. Here are the thoughts of some of our science teachers regarding the use of VR:

“I have only had a taste of the big VR system, but it has amazing applications to help students visualize protein and other organic structures. I stood in the middle of an alpha helix of an insulin molecule! I can't wait to get my students in there as well. And if we get that full Nanonme application up and running, kids will be able to choose which proteins they jump into. They will also be able to manipulate those structures as well as genetic codes.” Chris Neumann

“I worked with Bryne using VR as exploratory tool during our anatomy unit. This was a mind-blowing session for the students as it took them right inside the structures that they had previously only been looking at on pages and screens. The fact that they were fully immersed in these structures and they were able to play and explore meant that it was really fun and they were essentially learning on their own. I would love to be able to use Bryne and VR more regularly to supplement other units.”

Scott Bain

“This school year and last school year I have been using VR equipment in 10th grade Biology and IB Biology. Bryne has helped me every step of the way: how to use the hardware and software, choosing appropriate software for Biology topics, setting up the equipment in my classroom, strategies for class management while using the VR Equipment. He is an excellent collaborator. Available to set up, willing and game to problem solve software issues, interested in feedback, interested in further applications of the resources. We have used the VR equipment to take tours inside cells, investigate human anatomy and physiology, and, recently, investigate 3D structure of molecules. He has also helped my 9th grade homeroom use VR equipment for their Da Vinci project presentation last year.” Liza Grabau

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