PEW Innovation Assessment Model - Assessing EdTech for Demonstrated Learning Impacts
For some time now I have been thinking about how to combine the accreditation work I do for NEASC (New England Association of Schools & Colleges, the Innovation work I have been doing at Frankfurt International School and CIE (Collaborative for Innovative Education plus the knowledge I have regarding VR.
The model I have developed (PEW model) is designed to help teachers and schools clarify how and why they might want to use specific Edtech tools. I also hope that the assessment model is both detailed and accessible enough for a broad range of contexts. Below is an example of the model as applied to Google Earth VR:
The conceptual understands underpinning the criteria used in this assessment tool come from the work in ‘Personalized Learning in a PLC at Work: Student Agency Through the Four Critical Questions’ (Solution Tree, 2018, page 15) and also ACE Learning Principles ‘ACE Learning Principles Visit - Visitors Guide V3_0’ (NEASC COMMISSION ON INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION 2017).
I have worked closely with the various schools outlined in the ‘PLC at Work’ book, and have collaborated with both the authors and staff at those schools via my work with the Collaborative for Innovative Education ( I am also a Lead ‘ACE Learning Principles’ Visitor and conduct/lead school accreditation visits on behalf of NEASC on an annual basis.
PEW Innovation Assessment Model - Definitions of Learning
Learning Progressive
Facets of Learning Progressive Schools are that they lean towards “workplace related and future relevant” (PLC at Work 2018) student projects and learning outcomes. Learners have voice and choice in what they learn and pedagogy supports that. The structures of Learning Progressive schools are often geared towards building capacity for non-traditional forms of assessment, scheduling and curriculum. The impact on the learner of these structures is to build robust transdisciplinary skills and approaches to learning.
Learning Effective
“Highly effective schools are [often] schools that receive accolades for their achievement under traditional measures of success” (PLC at Work 2018). They have a viable and robust curriculum (AP, IB, A-Level..etc) and learners demonstrate mastery of core curriculum in these Areas of Knowledge (AOK). Learners have high achievement against traditional education metrics, but these institutions largely neglect transdisciplinary skills, approaches to learning and exploration of the ways of knowing (WOK). Pedagogy is largely traditional and “the core learning is not inclusive of future ready skills” (PLC at Work 2018).
Learning Wellbeing
‘Learning Wellbeing’ “defines the physical and social/emotional ‘space’ in which learning occurs” (ACE Learning Principles 2017). The nature of relationships, interactions, and communication within the learning community promote Learner Wellbeing and the mission and beliefs of the institution. Effective Learner Wellbeing supports effective and progressive learning and build towards the purpose for which the learning community exists. Wellbeing is built into the structure, timing and form of the learning that takes place.